Fix your belly: The step by step system to shrinking your waistline after having babies.
Baby number two really did a number on your belly. You have the green light from your doctor to exercise, but deep down, you know that it’s going to be a frustrating road ahead because you’ve tried to lose your belly before.
You’re planning on attending your first family event, since you had the baby and you need something new to wear. Hubby is watching the kids so you can go shopping alone.
You’re excited about finding something nice to wear to reward yourself for losing ten pounds so far. At your favourite store, you grab a bunch of beautiful outfits and rush into the change room. After trying them all on, nothing fits or they don’t look good on you! You feel defeated. “Why can’t I bounce back into shape like a Victoria’s Secret Model?”
To feel better, you stop for a Starbucks Caramel Latte, with extra whip. While waiting in line, an old friend you haven’t seen years recognizes you and says, “OMG, you look great! Congratulations, when are you due?”
Your heart sinks, you feel furious inside, but instead of blowing up, you smile and say, “Actually, I’m not pregnant I just had my second, she’s 9 months old now.” Then there’s an awkward silence (ugh, don’t you hate when that happens!).
Between your pregnancies, it’s been a roller coaster ride of fad diets, and bootcamps. After each pregnancy, you manage to lose most of the baby weight, but you still look pregnant. All you want, is to feel sexy again, and to be able to look great wearing what you want to wear, rather than the loose clothes you have to wear that don’t cling to your belly.
Imagine spending just 10-15 minutes a day exercising and seeing results. Your waist is starting to shrink! And even better, you got your workout in while the baby napped!
You’re excited because you’re learning manageable exercises designed for new moms. You’re even more thrilled to fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes.
Imagine getting used to following a regular fitness routine. Yes, you, a busy mom! You’re motivated and look forward to exercising because you know that each session brings you one step closer to your goal.
As each week goes by, you get more and more excited because finally, your belly is shrinking. You can’t wait to wear beautiful, body conscious clothes again. When shopping you focus less on the baggy clothes and check out the sexy new arrivals and maybe even a bikini.
How awesome would it feel to put anything on and look great. Rather than being a struggle, getting ready would be effortless. You’ll not only look beautiful, but you’ll feel confident wearing jeans, or a little black dress.
When was the last time you enjoyed swimming, without worrying about how you looked in a bathing suit? When was the last time you had the stamina to join in on the fun and play with your kids? When was the last time you enjoyed dinner out with your husband, and ordered without worrying about adding to your waistline? All of this is possible, you just need to learn how to lose the belly and get results so that you could relax and really enjoy activities with your family.
When you look better and feel better, you’ll find yourself smiling more, open to attending more social events, and take more photos. Your husband/partner may even try to cop a feel, just like when you first met (lol)! There’s more to life than worrying about your belly. There’s memories to be made! Stop sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else have a great time, live your life enjoying every minute of it!
How would it feel if you understood why you’ve been struggling and received an action plan to shrink your belly?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could begin with exercising just 10-minutes a day and workout while your little one naps or plays nearby? Imagine having your shit together and working out consistently without the stress of finding childcare or figuring out when to get it done. Then the impossible happens, the big “OMG” moment, when you wake up look in the mirror and see an outline of your obliques for the first time.
I’m a Core Specialist that helps moms who have had two or more babies that are struggling to lose their belly. They are embarrassed because they still look pregnant, pee a little when they laugh, cough, or sneeze, and hide under baggy clothes. I help them strengthen their core so they can lose the belly and feel like one Hot Mama.
What no one has ever told you, is that, your problem may be due to a core dysfunction called Diastasis Recti. It is common for women that have delivered two or more babies, to experience this. However, up until this point, you may have heard that surgery is the only option. Well it’s not. Correcting Diastasis Recti and reversing early signs of Urinary Incontinence through exercise is my specialty. Your program will be focused around solving this problem which why it works where other programs have failed.
No, this is not about spot reduction. It is a proven method that I learned through Bellies Inc. Education and have adapted in my Coaching practice to help women who have been struggling to shrink their waistline and transform their bodies after having kids. If you’ve been struggling for a long time, this is a proven way to get results, sign up now and find out what other moms are raving about.
This program includes:
A Guide to Getting Organized for Your Video Session
A 1-Hour Private Video Coaching Session
Investment: $124.00 CAD Total
Are you interested in working with me to get this done? Excellent, here’s how to get started.
Have Any Questions? Email me at [email protected]
Here’s what women have to say about working with me (aka Strong Bikini Mom)
I feel empowered
I am very grateful for the program and work I did with May because it pushed me to begin exercising sooner and improving my nutrition post baby number three. I also learned important strategies for exercising to improve DR rather than make it worse. I feel empowered with some knowledge to continue gaining strength and bettering my core. My husband even noticed that my bum is looking “nicer” (wink, wink – lol).
Katrine C. // Mom of three
I love shopping for clothes again.
After having four babies, I managed to lose most of the weight, but my belly still stuck out. No matter how much I exercised, I wasn’t really satisfied with the way my belly looked especially after having my fourth child. May’s program not only corrected my Diastasis Recti, but more importantly, I gained the confidence to wear beautiful clothes, a bikini, and would you believe that I just purchased a cropped top and matching skirt for work! I enjoy shopping for clothes again.
Nicole R. // Mom of four
May just gets it. I never exercised before and now it's a lifestyle I love!
Whether you are experienced in fitness or just getting started, I highly recommend May, especially if you have had children. She assisted me in discovering exactly what I needed to work on. What does “engage your core” mean? – May will teach & support you until you have it mastered! She took the time to get to know ME, and based every step of her training around this. She was so easy to get along with, a very understanding coach as well as an empathetic mother. Working with May to learn to engage and strengthen your core should be EVERYONE’S #1 step. The teachings I received, are tools that I will use forever. It has become a part of my routine in anything I do, prevents the potential for injury during my workouts. I am more confident about wearing clothes that I love. I can go on and on. I’m so grateful for everything May has taught me tools for life.
Jessica C. // Mom of two
My core feels stronger, and I don’t have to wear liners anymore! I was at Sky Zone and enjoyed jumping on the Trampoline with my kids for the first time without worrying about leaking! My buns and quads are also on fire during the workouts, this is something that I’ve never felt before so I know the exercises are working.
Anna G.
Mom of three
My son, is 17yrs. old. I’ve been trying to get back into shape for a while, I was starting to lose hope. Working with May gave me more confidence as I saw results right away. I feel stronger and want to continue my fitness journey as she made me realize that this is a lifestyle change for the better. Fixing your Diastasis Recti should be the first thing women should consider after having babies.
Faith C.
Mom of one
I can fit into beautiful dresses again!
After trying for over a year to lose the baby weight on my own, I decided to work with May to help me. I was fed up with looking like I was still pregnant but I had no idea it was because I had Diastasis Recti. After working with May, I’ve not only lost inches and fat from my belly but I’m now stronger and participate in more activities with my family. What I love most, is that I can wear beautiful dresses again, that's something I thought I'd never be able to do. It's seems like a small thing but it makes me feel beautiful.
Anu S. // Mom of three
I am really happy and proud of what I have accomplished
Abs are made by May! Thank you, May for helping me achieve a goal that I never thought possible. Not only did you help fix and correct my DR, but you also helped me get abs without having to do one crunch! Your patience, knowledge, and dedication were amazing. You really took the time to help me understand my body and how to breath through all exercise and how to adapt all my new knowledge to every day. I am really happy and proud of what I have accomplished. Thank you, May.
Gisella M. // Mom of one
She’s passionate and genuinely cares
I love training with May! She’s passionate and genuinely cares. After I had my son we worked on my posture and Diastasis Recti. I was back to my pre-pregnancy size before my son turned 5 months old. Thanks to her help, I’m feeling stronger and can keep up with my energetic son.
Laura Z. // Mom of one
I don't look pregnant anymore and I feel fit and strong.
Yay, I can’t believe that I don’t look pregnant anymore! It was hard to get used to exercising at first but now I’m used to working out regularly. May not only taught me how to exercise the right way to shrink my belly, but I also realized the importance of making time for myself and being active to stay healthy.
Aiko O. // Mom of two